Malta, Strong & Flexible Jurisdiction for Fund Industry & Finance


Malta has positioned itself as a strong, reliable and flexible jurisdiction attracting EU-regulated financial services businesses. Malta’s entry in the EU and the adoption of the Euro were the key catalysts that have strengthened Malta’s financial services industry, including fund management.

On the 21st October 2016, Framont & Partners Management organized an event in Lugano in partnership with well-know service operators, namely, Ganado Advocates (legal), RiskCap International Ltd (risk management and compliance) and Apex Fund Services (Malta) Ltd (fund administration) to promote Malta as a fund jurisdiction.

The event was comprised of 2 presentations and a panel discussion. A brief presentation, given by Ms Marzia Biasibetti, Framont’s Office Manager, focused on Malta’s strategic location, strong economic growth particularly in the fund and fund managment sectors. This was followed by a presentation by Framont’s Chief Executive Officer, Gianluigi Montagner, who introduced Framont & Partners, discussing its success story as a Super ManCo, established and regulated in Malta in terms of European Legislation. Mr. Montagner also discussed the company’s outlook for the future with particular focus on the fund’s industry. This was followed by a panel discussion, whose speakers included, Mr Gianluigi Montagner, Dr Marina Grech (Ganado), Dr Paul Magro (RiskCap) and Mr Omar Cascun (Apex). The discussion raised interest from the attendees who were keen to understand more on the manner in which funds could be established, the role of the manager and the risk management/compliance requirements, as well as the distribution possibilities. The attendees to the Lugano Event were mostly advisors, family offices, chartered accountants, and professionals involved in the wealth management industry.

The Lugano event enabled the attendees to meet and discuss practical matters with operators in the Maltese financial services industry. This enhanced the observation where a hands on approach, technical expertise, qualified professionals and high regulatory standards make Malta an attractive offering to those wishing to structure their investment through a European based vehicle.


Framont & Partner Management Ltd topic presentation
Sub-fund types in Malta – regulatory aspects
Sub-fund advantages – commercial aspects
The strategy definition and the NAV choice
The risk requirements in fund industry


After the speech in round table, the participants had the chance to directly address their queries to the speakers during a nice buffet. Greetings lead to a follow up in Lugano during the Lugano Fund Forum event of 21st and 22nd November, while next meetings are forecasted for February 2017 in Milan or London.


Framont & Partners Management Ltd
Gianluigi Montagner –
Ganado Advocates
Marina Grech –
Apex Fund Services Malta Ltd
Omar Cascun –
RiskCap International Ltd
Paul Magro –



Gianluigi Montagner – Framont & Partners Management, CEO

Mr. Montagner has over 20 years of experience in finance and worked in the private banking sector as a financial promoter for several Italian banks. Mr. Montagner used to work with an Italian asset management company. In 2011, Mr. Montagner was appointed as Managing Director as well as an investment committee member for a Maltese asset management company which also had a branch in Italy. Currently, he is the Chief Executive Officer, investment committee member, advisory committee member and portfolio manager of Framont & Partners Management Ltd (the Investment Manager of the Company) in Malta. He is even part of the Board of Directors of a UCITS and an Alternative SICAV in Malta.


Dr Marina Grech – Ganado Advocates

Dr Marina Grech is a Senior Associate at GANADO Advocates’ Investment Services and Funds Department. She specialises in the setting up, licensing and ongoing structuring of investment services licence holders, including AIFMs, UCITS Management Companies and Brokers as well as UCITS schemes, AIFs, Venture Capital Funds, Real Estate Funds and Private Equity Funds. Marina regularly assists and advises clients on various corporate matters. This includes the setting up in or continuation to Malta of legal entities and the restructuring of authorised entities. Working with licensed entities also entails the provision of ongoing regulatory assistance. Marina actively assists investment services and fund clients with various ongoing regulatory matters, including compliance with EU legislation and MFSA requirements, in order to ensure that licence holders operate within the parameters of the applicable regulatory framework.


Dr Paul Magro – RiskCap International Ltd

Dr Paul Magro is Partner and Managing Director at RiskCap International Ltd. He co-founded RiskCap, in 2013, after receiving his PhD in Finance at the University of Bangor. RiskCap provides its services to over 50 funds (managing in excess of €3 billion in AUM) as well as other financial institutions. Paul is authorized by the Malta Financial Services Authority to serve as a director, IC member, risk manager and compliance officer for fund managers and funds. In his free time, Paul lectures at the University of Malta’s Banking and Finance department on hedge fund strategies, alternative investments and financial modelling. Paul is a member of the Malta Association of Risk Management and Malta Association of Compliance Officers.


Omar Cascun – Apex Fund Services (Malta) Ltd

Mr. Omar Cascun has joined Apex in July 2008, and is the Head of Business Development on funds and hedge funds operating in Malta, Luxembourg, Bermuda, Gibraltar and Cayman Islands. Mr. Cascun acts as a non-executive Director for a number of Collective Investment Schemes in Malta. He has over eight years of experience in the financial services industry and prior to joining Apex, he has worked within the assurance services team of Deloitte Malta and Deloitte UK, specialising in financial services firms. Mr. Cascun is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of the Malta Institute of Accountants.

DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this document is to provide information about the current markets. This newsletter is prepared for information purposes only and should not be interpreted as investment advice. It does not constitute an offer or invitation by Framont to any person to buy or sell any security or instrument or to participate in any transaction or trading activity. It does not want to solicit the subscription of financial products and services, which must only be done after reading and understanding the Prospectus and any other related information. Framont & Partners Management Ltd verified very carefully the information contained in this document, but it does not ensure that such information is complete and correct and is not responsible either about the use that third parties make of such information or about any los s or damage that may arise after that use. Information included in this newsletter is considered as current as at the date of publication , without regard to the date on which you may read or be provided with such information. We do not accept any liability arising from any inaccuracy or omission in the information on this website. Every investor should always read the Prospectus and any other available information before making an investment decision. Furthermore, the yield or other terminology used to indicate the return is not guaranteed and may go down as well as up. The performance figures quoted (if any) refer to the past and past performance is not a guarantee of future performance or a reliable guide to future performance. An investment product may be affected by changes in currency exchange rate movements thereby affecting your investment return therefrom. More details about Framont are available on the website

Malta, Strong & Flexible Jurisdiction for Fund Industry & Finance


Malta has positioned itself as a strong, reliable and flexible jurisdiction attracting EU-regulated financial services businesses. Malta’s entry in the EU and the adoption of the Euro were the key catalysts that have strengthened Malta’s financial services industry, including fund management.

On the 21st October 2016, Framont & Partners Management organized an event in Lugano in partnership with well-know service operators, namely, Ganado Advocates (legal), RiskCap International Ltd (risk management and compliance) and Apex Fund Services (Malta) Ltd (fund administration) to promote Malta as a fund jurisdiction.

The event was comprised of 2 presentations and a panel discussion. A brief presentation, given by Ms Marzia Biasibetti, Framont’s Office Manager, focused on Malta’s strategic location, strong economic growth particularly in the fund and fund managment sectors. This was followed by a presentation by Framont’s Chief Executive Officer, Gianluigi Montagner, who introduced Framont & Partners, discussing its success story as a Super ManCo, established and regulated in Malta in terms of European Legislation. Mr. Montagner also discussed the company’s outlook for the future with particular focus on the fund’s industry. This was followed by a panel discussion, whose speakers included, Mr Gianluigi Montagner, Dr Marina Grech (Ganado), Dr Paul Magro (RiskCap) and Mr Omar Cascun (Apex). The discussion raised interest from the attendees who were keen to understand more on the manner in which funds could be established, the role of the manager and the risk management/compliance requirements, as well as the distribution possibilities. The attendees to the Lugano Event were mostly advisors, family offices, chartered accountants, and professionals involved in the wealth management industry.

The Lugano event enabled the attendees to meet and discuss practical matters with operators in the Maltese financial services industry. This enhanced the observation where a hands on approach, technical expertise, qualified professionals and high regulatory standards make Malta an attractive offering to those wishing to structure their investment through a European based vehicle.


Framont & Partner Management Ltd topic presentation
Sub-fund types in Malta – regulatory aspects
Sub-fund advantages – commercial aspects
The strategy definition and the NAV choice
The risk requirements in fund industry


After the speech in round table, the participants had the chance to directly address their queries to the speakers during a nice buffet. Greetings lead to a follow up in Lugano during the Lugano Fund Forum event of 21st and 22nd November, while next meetings are forecasted for February 2017 in Milan or London.


Framont & Partners Management Ltd
Gianluigi Montagner –
Ganado Advocates
Marina Grech –
Apex Fund Services Malta Ltd
Omar Cascun –
RiskCap International Ltd
Paul Magro –



Gianluigi Montagner – Framont & Partners Management, CEO

Mr. Montagner has over 20 years of experience in finance and worked in the private banking sector as a financial promoter for several Italian banks. Mr. Montagner used to work with an Italian asset management company. In 2011, Mr. Montagner was appointed as Managing Director as well as an investment committee member for a Maltese asset management company which also had a branch in Italy. Currently, he is the Chief Executive Officer, investment committee member, advisory committee member and portfolio manager of Framont & Partners Management Ltd (the Investment Manager of the Company) in Malta. He is even part of the Board of Directors of a UCITS and an Alternative SICAV in Malta.


Dr Marina Grech – Ganado Advocates

Dr Marina Grech is a Senior Associate at GANADO Advocates’ Investment Services and Funds Department. She specialises in the setting up, licensing and ongoing structuring of investment services licence holders, including AIFMs, UCITS Management Companies and Brokers as well as UCITS schemes, AIFs, Venture Capital Funds, Real Estate Funds and Private Equity Funds. Marina regularly assists and advises clients on various corporate matters. This includes the setting up in or continuation to Malta of legal entities and the restructuring of authorised entities. Working with licensed entities also entails the provision of ongoing regulatory assistance. Marina actively assists investment services and fund clients with various ongoing regulatory matters, including compliance with EU legislation and MFSA requirements, in order to ensure that licence holders operate within the parameters of the applicable regulatory framework.


Dr Paul Magro – RiskCap International Ltd

Dr Paul Magro is Partner and Managing Director at RiskCap International Ltd. He co-founded RiskCap, in 2013, after receiving his PhD in Finance at the University of Bangor. RiskCap provides its services to over 50 funds (managing in excess of €3 billion in AUM) as well as other financial institutions. Paul is authorized by the Malta Financial Services Authority to serve as a director, IC member, risk manager and compliance officer for fund managers and funds. In his free time, Paul lectures at the University of Malta’s Banking and Finance department on hedge fund strategies, alternative investments and financial modelling. Paul is a member of the Malta Association of Risk Management and Malta Association of Compliance Officers.


Omar Cascun – Apex Fund Services (Malta) Ltd

Mr. Omar Cascun has joined Apex in July 2008, and is the Head of Business Development on funds and hedge funds operating in Malta, Luxembourg, Bermuda, Gibraltar and Cayman Islands. Mr. Cascun acts as a non-executive Director for a number of Collective Investment Schemes in Malta. He has over eight years of experience in the financial services industry and prior to joining Apex, he has worked within the assurance services team of Deloitte Malta and Deloitte UK, specialising in financial services firms. Mr. Cascun is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of the Malta Institute of Accountants.

DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this document is to provide information about the current markets. This newsletter is prepared for information purposes only and should not be interpreted as investment advice. It does not constitute an offer or invitation by Framont to any person to buy or sell any security or instrument or to participate in any transaction or trading activity. It does not want to solicit the subscription of financial products and services, which must only be done after reading and understanding the Prospectus and any other related information. Framont & Partners Management Ltd verified very carefully the information contained in this document, but it does not ensure that such information is complete and correct and is not responsible either about the use that third parties make of such information or about any los s or damage that may arise after that use. Information included in this newsletter is considered as current as at the date of publication , without regard to the date on which you may read or be provided with such information. We do not accept any liability arising from any inaccuracy or omission in the information on this website. Every investor should always read the Prospectus and any other available information before making an investment decision. Furthermore, the yield or other terminology used to indicate the return is not guaranteed and may go down as well as up. The performance figures quoted (if any) refer to the past and past performance is not a guarantee of future performance or a reliable guide to future performance. An investment product may be affected by changes in currency exchange rate movements thereby affecting your investment return therefrom. More details about Framont are available on the website