Portfolio Management

Framont provides portfolio management services to professional clients, retail clients and eligible counterparties according to mandates given by clients on a discretionary client by client basis whereby their portfolios include one or more financial instruments. By engaging us to provide portfolio management services, we will be able to take investment decisions on your behalf without being required to consult you and/or require your consent in relation to such investment decisions.


Our commitment is to service clients to provide returns in accordance with their investment objective through our competence and experience. Each risk profile defines an ad hoc investment line targeting different investment objectives and goals.

Our approach

When investors decide to leave investment decisions in the hands of a professional investment manager, they benefit from the expertise and resources of the manager and save time in the process as they would not need to carry out research and analysis on current and potential holdings themselves. Before providing portfolio management services, the company conducts a suitability assessment to ensure that the portfolio is in line with the client’s investment objectives, risk tolerance, financial situation and knowlege and experience.

Clients who request such a service have the possibility of holding a better diversified portfolio, which is subject to on-going review and they shall obtain the assistance of a trusted relationship manager, allocated to them.

Precise analytical assessment of each investment from an independent perspective.

Building a portfolio that meets investment objectives, within the prescribed risk parameters.

Framont makes every effort to provide an innovative and effective service.

Our Services

We look after clients’ best interests recognising each client’s individual needs.

Reception and Transmission of Orders

The company can receive orders in relation to a financial instrument from clients and transmit such an order to a broker for execution. This service can be provided either as a standalone service or in conjunction with investment advisory services and/or nominee services.

Nominee Services

We may also act as nominee for your benefit, in relation to holdings in units in collective investment schemes. When providing nominee services, we would subscribe for shares in our own name, acting as nominee for you.

Free of charge, easy to use and able to create a tailor-made investment portfolio for you.

Request now a free Investment Portfolio Analysis!